
Euro Government
Sterling Government
US Government

A repurchase agreement (Repo) is a Sale and Repurchase Agreement that has a borrower (seller/cash receiver) sell securities for cash to a lender (buyer/cash provider) and agree to repurchase those securities at a later date. The repo rate is the difference between borrowed and paid-back cash expressed as a percentage.


Brussels: +322 219 1180
Frankfurt: +49 69 205 000 +49 69 283 616
Lausanne: +41 21 343 52 52
London: +44 (0) 20 7198 1500
Luxembourg: +352 46 56 01
Mexico City: +5255 53 50 8100
+5255 53 50 8100
New York: +1 212 238 5994
Paris: +33 1 56 43 70 20